TCM Book Review #3: Eyes Wide Open by Isaac Lidsky

Eyes Wide Open

Get ready to have your mind opened and your perspective shifted with Isaac Lidsky's powerful book, "Eyes Wide Open". In this review, we'll explore Lidsky's insights and wisdom on how to live a fulfilling life with your eyes truly open. Get ready to be inspired!

This book opened my eyes, literally and figuratively, to different possibilities for my leadership and my life. Isaac Lidsky inspires us to view different perspectives and outcomes for our lives, grounded in our values and purpose. Lidsky is living proof to achieve our dreams despite challenging circumstances, living with vision and courage.

Winston Churchill said, “Success is not final. Failure is not fatal. It is the courage to continue that counts.” Lidsky does not simply persevere; he elevates his perspective and, more importantly, his actions to lead and produce a life and career full of value and meaning. Albert Einstein said when measuring success, “Try not to become a man of success, rather become a man of value.” Lidsky uses a business metaphor to measure our personal balance sheet and income statement with metrics that inspire true meaning and purpose in the physical, spiritual, emotional, and intellectual categories of our lives. Lidsky further discusses building teams with trust saying, “there is not trust without vulnerability, no team without trust, no success without team.”

Eyes Wide Open is one of my favorite books about life and leadership. Isaac Lidsky is an inspiration to me, personally and professionally. I encourage everyone to read this wonderful book about “Overcoming Obstacles and Recognizing Opportunities in a World That Can’t See Clearly.”

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